4th October 2022

Kassandra at NAWAMED

Yesterday we had the pleasure to show the ever-increasing applications of Kassandra to a distinguished audience at the Nawamed “Nature Based Solutions for Domestic Water Reuse in Mediterranean Countries”.

Decision-making regarding water management must be at the centre of a multidisciplinary approach to fight Climate Change in the Mediterranean.

28th July 2022


Ecogest, our partners in the infrastructure market, have challenged government and public authorities in national newspapers to do more in the fight against the effect of climate change.

We fully support the Ecogest initiative for a new “pact with Nature” and join their call to action!

6th May 2022

Vuoti a p̶e̶r̶d̶e̶r̶e̶ rendere

On Saturday 7th May, Kassandra will be present at the ‘Vuoti a rendere!’ talk in Modica. We will be talking about how sustainable regeneration of historic towns needs to be based on the fullest analysis of available data and an inclusive vision for the future.